====== Application Wordpress ====== =====Downloading the App===== Go to the app store of your mobile and look for the [[https://github.com/wordpress-mobile|Wordpress mobile app]] * I you are a IPhone user download it from [[https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wordpress-website-builder/id335703880| Wordpress on ITunes]] * I you are a Android user (all smartphones other than the IPhone) download it from [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.wordpress.android&hl=fr&gl=US| Wordpress on Google Play]] =====Connecting to you Wordpress Website===== At the end of the welcome page of your Wordpress App you have the choice between: * //Connect or register with Wordpress.com// * //Enter the address of your actual website// You choose the second option, and at the following screen you enter: * in the input labeled //Site address// the url of your Website (your Web site has to be powered by [[https://wordpress.org/download/| Wordpress]] of course): * **rsmontreuil.fr** for the skaters' web site I belonged to * or **blog.jpmena.eu** for my personal blog * On the next page enter the //ID// and the //Password// you use to connect to your [[https://wordpress.org/download/|Wordpress]] powered website. * depending on your role on the website (//author//, //editor//, //administrator//) your will get a different interface on the app! Enjoy creating articles and pages adding images directly from your smartphone !!!